阿里巴巴|阿里大文娛發起港藝振興計劃 五年投入50億、伙tvb推《新聞女王2》等 電視廣播午後曾升一成

    2024-10-20 08:33

    tvb、天下一、英皇等多家香港影視機構合作 阿里巴巴 (09988) 六大業務集團之一的阿里大文娛首席執行官樊路遠宣佈啟動港藝振興計劃,未來五年將投入不低於50億元,在香港劇集、電影、演出、人才培養領域,與香港文化娛樂界深度合作。


    TVBAnywhere 北美官方網站

    提供免費點播tvb節目包括劇集(劇情、動作、喜劇、愛情、古裝、功夫武打、處境喜劇)、每日新聞(香港、中國內地、美國、世界各地)、綜藝節目 (影星娛樂、旅遊特輯、美食烹飪、生活品味、教育資訊、紀錄歷史),為在美華人提供多元化電視娛樂體驗。

    Hong Kong television channel TVB hits jackpot on Taobao as its live ...

    TVB made a net loss of HK$224 million in the first half of 2022, narrowing its loss by 21 per cent from the year before. In its debut show on Taobao Live, TVB celebrities Moses Chan Ho and Sharon ...

    TVB and Taobao Reach Cooperation Intent Setting A New Milestone of Live ...

    TVB has achieved satisfactory results with its active investment in e-commerce and supply chain business cooperation. As Taobao is the largest digital retail platform in China, we believe that such cooperation will further enhance TVB's strategies of e-commerce business in mainland China, with a target to gain a larger share among the huge ...

    TVB gets a 49 per cent stock boost as Hong Kong broadcaster signs deal ...

    TVB surged 49.6 per cent in Hong Kong after signing a two-year deal with Youku, a move that will generate 700 million yuan in revenue; Stock has gained as much as US$542 million in market ...

    Chinese Media Group TVB Soars on Livestreaming Tie-Up With Alibaba's Taobao

    TVB is already operating three e-commerce livestreaming accounts on TikTok's Chinese version Douyin which it opened in April last year. This collaboration helped boost revenue by 46 percent in the first half last year from the same period in 2021 to HKD1.8 billion (USD229.3 million), TVB said in its interim report, without disclosing the ...

    TVB, Alibaba Tie Up for Livestreaming Venture; TVB Shares Up 5%

    Equities. 511 Stock. News Television Broadcasts Limited. TVB, Alibaba Tie Up for Livestreaming Venture; TVB Shares Up 5%. -- A unit of Hong Kong media giant Television Broadcasts will team up with Alibaba's e-marketplace Taobao for a livestreaming venture, Yicai Global reported Monday. TVB will organize more than 48...

    Tvb與淘寶合作舉行48場直播帶貨 料收益千萬元

    繼進駐抖音直播帶貨後,電視廣播(511,tvb)表示將和淘寶合作,於年內舉辦逾48 場電子商貿直播,料可為其帶來千萬元收益。 tvb稱,淘寶已與其附屬公司上海翡翠東方傳播有限公司(tvbc)達成合作意向,首場直播將在3月7日舉行,一眾tvb藝人將參與,形容是「啟動tvb電子商貿直播的重大里程碑」。

    阿里巴巴旗下集團投資50億夥無綫電視等本地影視機構 推「港藝振興計劃」 | 無綫新聞TVB News

    一連四日的香港國際影視展揭幕,阿里巴巴旗下阿里大文娛集團宣布推出50億元計劃,跟無綫電視等多間本地影視機構合作,振興本港影視發展及人才培訓。. 這類香港及內地的合拍劇近年愈來愈多,有內地娛樂集團在香港國際影視展宣布推出50億元計劃,以香港 ...

    淘寶:阿里重組令公司可更自由合作 4月起與tvb每周一場直播

    電視廣播(00511.hk)(tvb)近日宣布與淘寶合作,並於今年一同發展逾48場電子商貿直播。上海翡翠東方傳播有限公司總裁彭明曄表示,明天會有第二場直播,並會由4月開始保持每周舉行一場,亦會開放更多主動權予淘寶用戶,與他們參與討論直播的主題。 對於阿里巴巴(09988.hk)宣布將重組為六個主要業務 ...

    【分析】Tvb為何解散買入僅兩年的「士多」? - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 - 股市 - D231128

    分享:. 分享:. 【分析】TVB為何解散買入僅兩年的「士多」?. 電視廣播 (00511) (TVB)於2021年8月以2億元收購電子商貿平台「士多」,TVB當時指出,將電子商貿視為未來增長之重要引擎。. 時隔兩年,通告指出,「士多」網站和手機應用程式將於2023年12月19日 ...

    TVB電商戰略報捷 與淘寶首秀六小時直播帶來人民幣2,350萬銷售額 (Chinese version only)

    此外,TVB於3月3日播放「鄰住買特約:獎門人Ladies First感謝祭」節目,直接推動鄰住買銷售額增長。 受惠電視節目帶動流量入直播間,配合重磅優惠,其後一連三日(3月3日- 3月5日)舉行的電子商貿直播「鄰住買獎門人Ladies First 感謝祭直播室」,貨品優惠總值 ...

    港星的尽头是直播带货,Tvb高调入驻淘宝 - 36氪

    港星的尽头是直播带货,TVB高调入驻淘宝. 据悉,TVB也在积极地通过投资、供应链业务合作等方式深入直播电商,目前已取得了一定的成绩。. 近日 ...

    阿里巴巴斥資48億美元回購股份 | 無綫新聞TVB News

    阿里巴巴截至三月底止第四季度,共斥資48億美元回購股份,是過去八個季度以來最多。. 共回購超過5.2億股,全個年度計,共斥資125億美元,回購了近12.5億股。. 計入股權激勵計劃下發行的股份後,公司整個年度淨減少近10.6億股,淨減少比例為百分之5.1。. 截至 ...

    【阿里系】阿里影業斥13億從母企收購「大麥」、股價曾升9% 阿里巴巴持股近10年虧多少? - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 即市財經 ...

    阿里影業 (01060) 宣布,從阿里巴巴 (09988) 旗下「Alibaba Investment」,收購經營現場演出服務「大麥」品牌的Pony Media。. 阿里影業擬以發行股份方式支付收購「大麥」的代價,涉及配發25.13億股,每股作價0.52元,相當於總代價13.07億港元(1.67億美元)。. 阿里 ...

    阿里影業(01060)完成向阿里巴巴控股(09988)收購現場演出供應商Pony Media 100%股權 作者 智通財經

    智通財經APP訊,阿里影業 (01060)發佈公告,1.67億美元向阿里巴巴控股 (09988)收購現場演出供應商Pony Media (目標公司)100%股權的收購事項所有先決條件已獲達成,而交割已根據購股協議的條款及條件於2023年11月30日落實。. 公司已根據購股協議的條款及條件按每股 ...

    據報阿里巴巴擬售盒馬及大潤發 盒馬發言人否認 | 無綫新聞TVB News

    據報阿里巴巴考慮出售盒馬及大潤發。. 《路透》引述知情人士報道,阿里巴巴考慮出售若干消費行業資產,包括營運生鮮食品零售的盒馬和零售商大潤發。. 報道指,阿里巴巴一直與戰略和金融投資者,就這些資產展開磋商。. 阿里巴巴和大潤發未有置評;盒馬 ...

    所有節目 - myTV SUPER

    myTV SUPER is your ultimate online video platform that lets you watch a wide range of TV shows, movies, sports, news and more on your TV, computer, mobile or tablet ...

    Sumner County, Kansas - Hunting Country Real Estate LLC

    KS-504c 36 Acres. Listing #KS-504c. Price: $299,000. 36 acres M/L of prime riverfront property near Clearwater, in Sumner County, Kansas. The gently rolling hills adjoining nearly 2000' of the Ninnescah river that offer the unique opportunity for non-flood riverfront property with birds-eye views of the river, creating the perfect opportunity ...

    Hello from Ninnescah Made! - Ninnescah Made

    Hello from Ninnescah Made! I'm Meg, the food blogger, homesteader, gardener and recipe developer behind Ninnescah Made. I focus on sharing simple recipes, gardening tips and food preservation methods that make it easy to feed your family. As a mom and a blogger, I understand how hard it can be to get a wholesome meal on the table and still find ...

    History - Pratt County Historical Museum

    Pratt County Historical Museum History. The Pratt County Historical Society was founded in 1968, and dedicated to the preservation of the history of Pratt County, Kansas and the surrounding area. In 1973 the Society was able to purchase the building at 112 N. Main, to house their new museum. After much renovation, they finally opened in 1975.

    交易直播室 | 專題節目 | 無綫新聞TVB News


    About + Community + Established 1925 + Timeline

    Standing Proud Since 1925. In 1925, a group of local people saw a need for a bank that understood the needs and values that were important to the citizens of the Cunningham community. Out of a desire to help this community grow and prosper, The First National Bank of Cunningham was founded. While the founders wouldn't recognize many of our ...