Green Ladies - Eco-Social Enterprise for High Quality Secondhand Fashion

    2024-10-21 19:02

    Since 2008, it has been promoting eco-friendly fashions. By collecting high-quality fashion and employing middle-aged women as workers, Green Ladies promotes the concept of "Reuse, Restyle and Empowerment". It aspires to change the public's perception of second-hand clothing that second-hand clothing can be fashionable too.

    Green Ladies - Eco-Social Enterprise for High Quality Secondhand Fashion

    舊衣寄賣|香港連鎖二手衣服寄賣店Green Ladies!平價尋寶買服裝及飾品/寄賣者最高可回贈30% | 港生活 - 尋找香港好去處

    擁有4間分店的Green Ladies 是聖雅各群福會旗下的二手時裝寄賣店,致力推動時裝重用,店內超過9成的衣物都是由大眾市民提供寄賣!. 寄賣的手續非常簡單,只要預先在網上預約時段到店內,並攜同符合列明收衣類別的時裝前往分店進行寄賣程序。. 店員會按款式 ...

    分享到 Green Ladies 寄賣二手衫,為環保出一分力 - Sensitive Bliss

    網上平台的設計令我意想不到,它線條簡潔,介面容易使用,還用上 HTTPS 的安全傳輸模式呢。 在同一個月的21日,我收到 SMS 短訊告知,寄賣回饋已經自動轉帳轉入戶口了。我查看銀行戶口交易記錄,果然收到了,金額與 Green Ladies 月結單上的一樣。

    GREEN LADIES - Updated July 2024 - 軒尼詩道302-308號, Hong Kong - Yelp

    3 reviews and 8 photos of GREEN LADIES "Green Ladies is a social enterprise operated by Saint James' Settlement 聖雅各福群會 Their concept - reuse, restyle, empowerment. They welcome high quality second hand ladys' wear for consignment. My wife told me when her item is sold, she can have a maximum up to 30% rebate from the selling price.

    【換季舊衫好去處】本地婦女經營Green Ladies 讓舊衫有新的歸宿

    只要親身將服裝帶到Green Ladies門店,再由店員分類和評估衣服質素,衣服便有為期兩個月的寄賣期,不時陳列於門店之中。若然在限時內成功賣出的話,最高可獲得%30回饋;否則衣服便以捐贈形式,歸社企所有。 更多詳情,可參閱

    「衣衣」不捨:支持綠時尚,三間對抗 Fast fashion 的本地二手時裝店 - Vogue Hong Kong

    Green ladies 香港首間環保時裝社企 Green ladies,開拓以時裝推動環境保育的願景。以寄賣模式收集高質素的二手時裝,衣物一經賣出,寄賣者最多可獲售價的三成作回饋。對於有「斷捨離」障礙的人,是把囤積的衣物送舊迎新的好機會。

    Green Ladies | 社企認證

    Green Ladies 為香港首間以寄賣模式營運的環保社會企業,於 2008 年成立,一直以環保及推動中年婦女就業為目標,透過收集優質女士時裝,積極推動及鼓勵二手時裝買賣,使社會資源有效循環再用。 2011年,Green Ladies 以寄賣模式營運,鼓勵女士們成為寄賣者,讓用不著的時裝再生。

    The 13 Best Secondhand Clothes Shops in Hong Kong - Green Queen

    5. Mee & Gee (Me & George) You don't need an 'open, sesame' to get to this treasure cove. Prices range from HK$5 (yes, you are reading that right) to HK$200, making it the most affordable second hand and vintage store in Hong Kong. Free your afternoon, because there is enough here for hours of (dusty) digging.

    St. James' Settlement - Green Ladies - Facebook

    St. James' Settlement - Green Ladies. 16,383 likes · 3 talking about this. 時裝重用.環保時尚.婦女自主 REUSE.RESTYLE.EMPOWERMENT

    社企寄賣二手時裝提倡舊衣循環再用... - Go Green Hong Kong~ 香港綠色生活指南

    社企寄賣二手時裝提倡舊衣循環再用 農曆新年,很多人都會買新衣服過年,有社企提倡舊衣物循環再用,希望改變大眾的消費態度,為保護地球資源出一分力。 環保署去年公布一一年的廢物處置數據,全港每日平均棄置二百一十七公噸紡織物,環保組織估計大約相等於一百萬件衣物:「可能大眾 ...