谷中百合花 | CantonHymn 詩歌Chord譜平台

    2024-10-20 06:26

    Verse 1 在我主基督裡找著這恩友與良朋, 在眾生中基督優美最善良; 像那谷中優美百合,看祂滿有大能, 靠祂洗清污穢完美心歡暢。 愁困裡替我慰解,憂傷裡有勵勉, 擔起我重擔如今我要頌揚; 像那谷中優美百合,似清早星璀璨, 我主比千萬人美好最善良。 Verse 2 讓主基督擔當憂患,靠祂保守 ...

    粵語 詩歌 谷中 百合 花

    谷中百合花 | CantonHymn 詩歌Chord譜平台

    I have found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to F. I have found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, He's the fairest of ten thousand to my C. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; ♭. The F. The Lily of the Valley, in B♭. The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I F. The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see.