什麼是廣告投入產出比 (Acos)? 計算和技巧 | 亞馬遜廣告

    2024-10-21 09:08

    亞馬遜廣告投入產出比 (acos) 是用於衡量亞馬遜點擊付費 (ppc) 廣告活動的指標。它將 ppc 廣告活動花費的金額與賺取的金額進行比較,並有助於確定您的品牌是否產生成本效益的廣告活動。亞馬遜廣告投入產出比協助衡量商品推廣廣告在亞馬遜上的績效。

    什麼是廣告投入產出比 (Acos)? 計算和技巧 | 亞馬遜廣告

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    What does advertising cost of sales (ACOS) mean?

    Amazon advertising cost of sales (ACOS) is a metric used to measure Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns. It compares the amount spent on PPC campaigns to the amount earned, and it helps determine if your brand generated campaigns that were cost-efficient. Amazon ACOS helps measure the performance of Sponsored Products ads on Amazon ...

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    What Is Amazon ACoS and How Do You Calculate It?

    To calculate the ACoS, we'll divide $2,000 by $4,000 and multiply the quotient by 100, giving us a result of 50%. Example of calculating ACoS on your PPC campaign. Therefore, your ACoS is 50% which means that for every $0.5 your company spends on advertising, you earn $1. This time around, let's jumble the figures a bit.